Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Afternoon play time! (P.S. LOVE the rubber mulch snow angels!)

Prediction into the future?

Hmmm, can we show this picture at their wedding someday? HA!

Happy Birthday Danny!

Morning class play time!

Meet our new friend Lauren!

Lauren Lovely, our new morning preschool friend, joined our class this past Monday. Lauren spent the first few weeks of school in Ms. Liz's full-day preschool class but will be staying with us for the remainder of the year. Welcome Lauren :)

Intruder Drill

Friday we had an Intruder Drill. An Intruder Drill is what we do to keep the kids safe in case a stranger ever entered our building. We lock all classroom doors, draw the blinds and then play hide-and-seek in our cubbies :) Nobody can see us this way!

New Preschool Trend - spiking our hair from the sink :')

Afternoon Fit Buddies with 3rd Grade!

Happy Birthday Ginger :)

PM Class Building Noah's Ark!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Building Noah's Ark - PrEsChOoL StYlE!

This week we have been learning about Noah and the ark God told him to build. We built an ark together out of blocks and then the preschoolers came in like animals, two by two. We created rain, waves and a rainbow using only our hands and mouths! ONE OF OUR FAVORITE DAYS SO FAR!

Wheel of Wisdom - 9/14/12

The Wheel of Wisdom game show came to Immanuel last Friday. Many preschool friends were there to help spin the wheel and root for the contestants. We had a blast!

Afternoon Bible Buddies with 4th grade -

Painting with pink and purple during the week of the /P/!

Look Closely :)

Yes, all morning students recently had this for snack - ZUCCHINI BREAD! Thank you to the Aprati family for sneaking this healthy snack into preschool :)

Mr. Trettin celebrating /P/ week with us - wearing our party glasses!